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Sro Arsc Equipment


ARSC is one of the Shared Resources Operations (SRO) facilities at Texas State. The equipment in ARSC are available for internal and external researchers for nominal fees based on the tier level of the equipment.



The FEI Helios NanoLab 400 DualBeam system is a fully digital Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE SEM) equipped with Focused Ion Beam (FIB) technology.  The DualBeam platform is used for sample preparation, imaging and analysis in semiconductor failure analysis, process development, and process control laboratories.

Specifications:            Demonstrated Resolution: 1.7 nm

                                    Beam Voltage Range: 350 V – 30 kV

                                    Ultra-high resolution electron optics: as low as 0.9 nm



The JEOL JEM 1200EXII TEM allows users to perform high-resolution TEM imaging of thin sections of biological and materials science samples. Sample holders are capable of holding two grids at once for faster, more efficient viewing. High to low magnification quality images can be obtained.

Specifications:            Movement Range X & Y: +/- 1 mm

                                    Accelerating voltage range: 40 kV to 120 kV

                                    Maximum magnification: 500,000x


Optical Microscope 

The Olympus BX60M optical microscope is capable of magnifications from 5-100x. Digital image acquisition and post processing is available. The system is capable of simple polarized light microscopy and Nomarski interference contrast microscopy.

Specifications:            Observations: Non-destructive, Live-time

                                    Modes: Dark/Bright with green glare filtering

Linear 4 Probe

Four point electrical measurements are utilized to more accurately determine the sheet resistance of bulk samples or thin films because they can eliminate the effect of contact resistance. The user can measure sample resistance spanning more than 12 orders of magnitude by configuring the electrical biasing and measurement scheme.

Specifications:            Max sample diameter: 200mm

                                    Max sample thickness: 2mm

                                    Voltage ranges: 20mV – 200V (42V max without interlock) via Keithley                                                                             2450 Source Meter     


Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM)

EZ9-HF High Field vector vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) is for the characterization of magnetic materials including powders, thin films and bulk magnetic materials. Allows the study of magnetization and magnetic anisotropy over a wide temperature, field magnitude, and field direction range. Used to determine the magnetic hysteresis curve, i.e. the relation between the magnetic field and the magnetic moment. The hysteresis curve provides the magnetic response of the material under an applied field and is often referred to as the magnetic fingerprint.

Specifications:            Magnetic characterization (8mm round sample)

Magneto resistance (2.5 x 9mm sample size)

Temperature control (78K-1000K / -195C-725C)

Magnetic field (-2.25 Tesla to 2.25 Tesla)